bottom part of the forward most Lower Cross Tie (ONX-F19-05)

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bottom part of the forward most Lower Cross Tie (ONX-F19-05)

Postby dhogue » Sat May 07, 2016 8:56 pm

Hey Sonex Onex builders/drivers,

Currently assembling the Tail aft of the pit. Ran into the issues stated below in a email to Sonex Tech Support.

Am posting here in case you guys have run across it or it is useful to future builder here.

If you've run across this how did you solve?

Thanks guys,
Hello Sonex Tech Support,

I am Don Hogue building Onex 0173.
I assembled, with clecos, all on Onex plans page ONX-F17.
I am writting to request help with a couple problems I have encountered. The 2 issues are:
On Onex plans page ONX-F17
Issue #1: The bottom part of the forward most Lower Cross Tie (ONX-F19-05) protrudes below the bottom edges of the Right and Left lower longerons (F21-03 Right and Left) by almost 1/4 inch.
This means that the bottom Aft Fuselage Floor (ONX-F19-14) skin cannot sit flush on the longerons at the forward edge because it has to lift off the longerons to connect to the forward most Lower Cross Tie.

( Please see the attached pictures showing this from different angles.



Issue # 2:The holes on the bottom ledge of the forward most Lower Cross Tie (ONX-F19-05) do not aligh with the respective holes in the Lower Horizontal Splice plate ONX-F21-06 Left and Right.

The respective holes on the bottom ledge of the of the forward most Lower Cross Tie (ONX-F19-05) are forward of the holes in the Lower Horizontal Splice plate ONX-F21-06 Left and Right by about 1/4 inch.
To me it seems like the bend of the bottom angle of the forward most Lower Cross Tie (ONX-F19-05) is too far down by about 1/4 inch.

Please advise.
Don Hogue
Don Hogue
Onex 0173: Tailwheel: AeroVee Turbo.
Horiz/Vert Stabs, Rudder/Elevators, Fwd/IB/OB/Aileron Bellcranks on Ribs and Main Fwd/Aft Center Wing Spars, Fuselage : Complete.
WIP: Wings
Posts: 71
Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:39 pm

Re: bottom part of the forward most Lower Cross Tie (ONX-F19

Postby dhogue » Sat May 14, 2016 9:41 am

Sonex immediately sent another part (Great! tech support and customer service - as usual), in case there is a problem with the part I installed.
I did compare the part dimensions to the plans and it looks correct.
They have no history of issues with this part.
More later.
Don Hogue
Onex 0173: Tailwheel: AeroVee Turbo.
Horiz/Vert Stabs, Rudder/Elevators, Fwd/IB/OB/Aileron Bellcranks on Ribs and Main Fwd/Aft Center Wing Spars, Fuselage : Complete.
WIP: Wings
Posts: 71
Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:39 pm

Re: bottom part of the forward most Lower Cross Tie (ONX-F19

Postby dhogue » Sun May 22, 2016 5:02 pm

The replacement part fits correctly. Thanks Sonex!

The tail box is now 100% up-drilled, dimpled/countersunk and cleco'ed ready for fitting the Turtle-deck assembly.

The plans callout for the Turtle-deck installation to be done on a Flat and Level surface to avoid problems associated with the structure being twisted. Makes sense.

Next up: Build a Robust, Flat and Level work bench.
Don Hogue
Onex 0173: Tailwheel: AeroVee Turbo.
Horiz/Vert Stabs, Rudder/Elevators, Fwd/IB/OB/Aileron Bellcranks on Ribs and Main Fwd/Aft Center Wing Spars, Fuselage : Complete.
WIP: Wings
Posts: 71
Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:39 pm

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