Discussion for Waiex builders on specific plans page experience. These posts are limited to technical suggestions such as assembly order, challenges, or techniques related to specific plans pages.


Postby Rynoth » Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:47 pm

I submitted the following question to Sonex Tech support:

"On wix-f29 when fabricating the pulley assemblies, there are 1/8 inch holes drilled next to the pulleys, I presumed these are for some sort of retainer for the rudder cables. However I completed my rudder rigging today and these holes are not filled, and I don't see a call out for a retainer of any sort. It may be possible for the rudder cable to jump the pulley.

Did I miss something, or is there a bolt or retainer of some sort for the pulleys located at the joining of the aft/forward fuselage?"

Sonex Response:

"Hi Ryan,

Good question. Pass a cotter pin though the paired holes and bend the ends to secure it in place."
Ryan Roth
N197RR - Waiex #197 (Turbo Aerovee Taildragger)
Knoxville, TN (Hangar at KRKW)
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Re: WIX-F29

Postby ldmill » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:13 pm

Thanks Ryan - I always did wonder about that, just never got around to asking about it.
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Re: WIX-F29

Postby kevinh » Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:39 pm

On WIX-F29-01 and F29-02 pully brackets, the plans call for no washer under the nut but that leads to the nut bottoming out on the threads and then the bolt being free to rotate in the assembly. Does anyone know if this is the intent?
Taildragger Waiex in progress, tail done, wings done, about to mate wings to fuse,
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Re: WIX-F29

Postby kevinh » Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:41 pm

Also - There is one hole in the WIX-F29-05 and WIX-F29-03 angles that overlaps with a tooling hole. It would be better to not drill that hole at all.
Taildragger Waiex in progress, tail done, wings done, about to mate wings to fuse,
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Re: WIX-F29

Postby Bryan Cotton » Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:36 pm

It has been a while since I messed with those parts. My recollection is the bearing race is captive on the pulley. There is no reason for the bolt to spin. Makes more sense to add the washer and clamp up on the race. Also I know what you mean about the tooling hole. They use a Sonex part rather than a custom Waiex part. I didn't like it but not so much that I scratch built the verticals. They had me add an extra rivet or two in the middle.
Bryan Cotton
Poplar Grove, IL C77
Waiex 191 N191YX
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Re: WIX-F29

Postby kevinh » Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:44 am

Bryan Cotton wrote:Kevin,
It has been a while since I messed with those parts. My recollection is the bearing race is captive on the pulley. There is no reason for the bolt to spin. Makes more sense to add the washer and clamp up on the race.

Thanks - That's what I'll do!
Taildragger Waiex in progress, tail done, wings done, about to mate wings to fuse,
then cowl, canopy, paint (photos): flush rivets, turbo aerovee, acro ailerons
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