Hello Waiex people, I'm about to bend my control horns, I was wonrding if the wisdome here could tell me if this is the right direction? https://goo.gl/2xS5gi I've looked at the plans and they say "down" and this would be correct but I can't match this up with what I'm seeing on the 3 view underneath...
Bryan Cotton Poplar Grove, IL C77 Waiex 191 N191YX Taildragger, Aerovee, acro ailerons dual sticks with sport trainer controls Prebuilt spars and machined angle kit Year 2 flying and approaching 200 hours December 23
yep. plans say 15 deg, but the update corrects it to 20 deg. Definitely worth going through all of the bulletins on the website and marking up your plans in advance.
Taildragger Waiex in progress, tail done, wings done, about to mate wings to fuse, then cowl, canopy, paint (photos): flush rivets, turbo aerovee, acro ailerons (I built my RV7A and happily flew it for about 500 hrs)
Thanks guys, I checked the updates for my kit, I bent everything to 20 degrees, turned the first set of hockey sticks into scrap by over tweaking them to about 25 degrees, the second set worked out ;-)
Area 51% wrote:Watch out for the angle. Seems to me there was an update on the service bulletin. You will be under-sized unless your plans have been changed.
D'oh. Just bent these to the 15 in the plans yesterday. Looks like its back to the shop to bend them a bit further.