Kevin, I had a shim made up, but, wasn't ready to try it until I had everything piloted and it was a last resort if needed to keep the hinge from sticking. Nice to know someone has done it. Planned to stick it in and transfer the holes when needed.
Bryan, Liked your thread on the "dreaded" rivets. I hate using the wedge unless I have to since it kicks my butt for some reason. Can't remember how many rivets I drilled out just to get it right! I have an arrow RL something slim riveter kinda like yours to try, got it at hardware hank I think?
Noel, great pictures, I have the right skin pilot drilled, laid everything in it and it all seems to line up well with the blue lines with a little tweaking here and there. Will start piloting the ribs and such tomorrow, I hope.
the gap that had me wondering about the skin cut out
The makeshift shim between the arms and angle
The test piece in place to fill the gap