Since I'm mostly computer illiterate, I've put off entering this site as long as I could. Haven't been taught how to upload (proper term?) pictures yet, so will be voice only for a spell.
I am from Michigan originally, and moved to the Keys in 2007 with my lovely assistant Betty. We vacationed here for 10 years in the 90's (the year, not the temperature), flying our 1953 Bonanza into Summerland and renting a house. The opportunity came for early semi-retirement, and I took it, but the move required the sale of the planes (yes, planes, Betty had a Cherokee) to buy a house.
Fast forward to now. The desire to build has been there for a long time and the time and resorces are now available. Because of my love of Bonanzas ( I had a 1956 before I met Betty) the Waiex was the only way to go. Went to Oshkosh 2015 to see if we would fit, and purchased tail and fuselage sub-kits. Drove up to the "factory" the first week of October for the workshop and to pick up the kits.
I am enjoying the build, more or less, but am having "more than my share" (Kerry's words) of issues related to the matched hole construction that is supposed to "save" time.
I'ld like to post my problems in hope there is a better solution than to just "up-drill, rivet, and don't worry about it", but this probably isn't the correct forum. Where should I go?
I've looked at a lot of your builds, and every once in a while there is a hint that I may not be the only one with certain issues.
I have completed the stabilator structures (no skins yet), ruddervators, rudder, and am currently trying to turn a bunch of fuselage parts into a box. It's not going well.
Looking forward to hearing what the group has to say . I can be reached at for personal tutoring.
Area 51% signing off.