mike.smith wrote:Did you drill the hinge holes and the elevator holes separately? Unless you are a machine, you won't get things to line up that way. You need to drill the hinge holes and use the hinge to locate the elevator holes. That goes for all the parts. You drill part A and use it to locate the holes for part B. If I'm misunderstanding your process please elaborate.
Bryan Cotton wrote:Mike (samiam),
See what Sonex says about that edge distance. A lot of Sonex edge distance is designed around the minimum. What the creeping holes tell me though is that one side of the elevator box was not down all the way. Did you true the flanges on the ribs to 90 degrees? Also, I prefer to transfer holes from the hinge to the first flange only - the short one. Then I put the hinge aside. Next I locate, drill, and cleco the forward rib holes that do not go through the hinge. The clecos pull the rib tight against the skin. That helps make your elevator box true. Then close the lid, make sure all looks well, and transfer the hinge holes. If you read my thread you see how I used a long piece of duct tape, folded in a T as a handle for a pair of pliers. Screw a board to your table to pull against and put the line of hinge holes on the bottom. Once that seam is clecoed go back and do the ribs. Then put the hinge on and updrill.
Good luck! I've done worse and recovered. The only critical skill is perseverance.
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