gammaxy wrote:Mike,
I double checked your math and it seems correct, but I'm pretty sure you are aiming for the wrong compression ratio. Should be 8.0:1. Seems like your original settings were pretty close to correct. Why is your deck height so far outside Sonex's table now? Are you using different pistons?
Yes indeedy! That's what I get for doing math at 2:00 in the morning! I don't know why I had 8.5:1 in my head, but of course that's wrong. It should be 8.0:1. And yes, I have new cylinders/pistons. I had to replace the Nickasils that mushroomed at the top and did other bad things. So here is the correct math for my heads/cylinders/pistons:
* Compressed head gasket: when I measured the thickness of my previous head gasket it was about 33% thinner, at 1.0 mm (a .060" gasket = 1.5mm).
Cylinder #1
Bore = 92mm
Stroke = 82mm
Head Gasket Bore = 92mm
Compressed Head Gasket = 1.0 mm (* see above)
Combustion chamber volume = 59.2 cc
Piston Dome volume = 0 (flat top pistons)
Deck clearance = 1.64mm (** see below)
** Deck clearance: without a barrel shim the deck height was -.61 mm (.61 mm above the top of the cylinder). If I add a .060" (1.5mm) shim, and a .030" (.75mm) shim then => 2.25mm - 0.61mm = 1.64mm
Cylinder #2
Combustion chamber volume = 59.0 cc
Deck clearance = 1.72mm (** see below)
** Deck clearance: without a barrel shim the deck height was -.53 mm. If I add a .060" (1.5mm) shim, and a .030" (.75mm) shim then => 2.25mm - 0.53mm = 1.72mm
Cylinder #3
Same numbers as #1 cylinder
Cylinder #4
(This cylinder has a chamber volume and deck height much different than the others, so the shims need to be different to get a similar compression ratio)
Combustion chamber volume = 62.2 cc
Deck clearance = 1.19mm (** see below)
** Deck clearance: without a barrel shim the deck height was -.71 mm. If I add a .045" (1.15mm) shim, and a .030" (.75mm) shim then => 1.9mm - 0.71mm = 1.19mm
I know 8.1 is more than the 8.0, but if I bump up to .040 shims from the .030, then my compression ratios drop below 8.0.