Posting Images

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Posting Images

Postby chris » Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:24 pm

In order to post images to, please upload them to a site such as picasa, imageshack, etc. After they are uploaded, find the url to the image. For example, Surround the url to your image with [img]your_link_goes_here[/img].

A big advantage to doing this to post photos is that they do not take up space on the server.

There are several free image hosting website. Here is a quick tutorial for posting images using imageshack as an example:

1. Go to

2. Upload your file at 800 x 600, 640 x 480, or 320 x 240. 800 x 600 is the default resize. 640 x 480 is probably the best size for posting.

3. It will then give you several links that can be used for copying and pasting.

4. Copy the text in the box beside of "Forum Code" and paste it in your post.

5. This is the code that will be pasted:
Code: Select all

Uploaded with [URL=][/URL]

6. If you do not want to have links to imageshack delete everything except this:

Code: Select all

7. Final Result 800 x 600:


8. Final Result 640 x 480:

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Re: Posting Images-Flicker?

Postby Gripdana » Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:15 am

How or can I use Flicker to post images here?
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Re: Posting Images

Postby 142YX » Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:13 am

I think this thread should be deleted

There is another thread in the announcements section called "Posting Photos" that recommends using or to host, which is better advice. Image shack used to work fine, but i have had a lot of problems with the re-size feature no longer working, blowing up photos that i had in other threads to massive proportions even though they should have been 480x640, etc (although they sat at the proper resolution for some time before the error occurred). It's almost like after some time they will delete the multiple instances of the photo (different resolutions) and all links revert back to the original resolution that was uploaded. This seems to be what happened here too. Would not recommend the use of Image Shack anymore. I have tried viewing this thread in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, none of which appear to be displaying the photos at the right resolution.
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