by SonexN76ET » Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:22 pm
Be careful with any extra weight you add to the wing tips. The more weight you have out on the wingtips the more likely you are to spin your aircraft in a stall. Also the spin will wind up faster. Nav Lights/strobes, landing lights, fairings all add weight. Nut plates and screws add up pretty quickly. I have read reports of builder's who used nutplates on their wingtips and regretted it later on as being unnecessary. I put landing lights on my wings in the outboard panel inside of the last two ribs. I can remove the landing light and inspect the inside of the wing and I can reach the wiring on the nav/lights and strobes. I used aluminum rivets on the wingtips. So far, this has worked out well for me.
Sonex Tri Gear, Rotax 912 ULS, Sensenich 3 Blade Ground Adjustable Propeller
MGL Velocity EMS, Garmin GTR 200 Comm, GTX 335 ADS B Out Transponder
ILevil AW AHRS & ADS-B In, UAvionix AV20S
200+ hours previously with Aerovee engine
Sarasota, Florida