by LarryEWaiex121 » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:56 pm
I am still awaiting the completion of my two cylinder heads as I write. I'm hoping that this mid life tune up will get me another year or two down the road as mentioned previously. At that time its really going to be a big dollar decision as to how to proceed.
When a person looks at the cost of a "true" top end overhaul as outlined by Jabiru it can really add up. For me there are so many considerations that go beyond the top end. If one follows Jabiru's cookbook diligently, one would need to split the cases and upgrade the throughbolts. Well if one goes to that extent, then why wouldn't you do main bearings, thrust bearings, cam gear, timing gear,flywheel and promptly find yourself at the complete rebuild scenario?
Personally, its going to be very hard to send off an engine and wait for a complete rebuild when I might be way better off with a new engine, with all the improvements, etc. Sell the used one to some enterprising individual that likes taking things apart and putting them back together. I would just prefer to fly and enjoy my spare time with routine service.
Personally, its getting hard to look at the Jabiru site and see what they've cooked up next for service bulletins. When they came up with the recurring flywheel bolt inspections, I just about flipped. I had just had the engine off its mounts and replaced the rubber isolators. Its not just a 45 minute job. Compliance on my part for experimental aircraft is voluntary here in the USA. At what point though does a person become complacent in their compliance with recommendations and reckless for ignoring them? There will probably come a time (shortly) where your insurance is null and void if manufacturer service bulletins are not fully implemented on a timely basis. It's a CYA world.
Honestly, If I was in Australia and bound by every little detail by way of a certified aircraft, I would be openly hostile. As it is, I accept there is going to be some pain and dollars spent to keep my toy in the air.
For all the glitches, its still a far cry from what most guys spend on their store bought planes when similar matters arise.
Waiex121YX 440hrs, down for service.