by falvarez » Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:31 pm
Hi Vic,
I'm scratch building Sonex #800 and had originally planned to go the Corvair engine route but have since changed my mind. I just received my Crank back from reconditioning by Moldex a couple months ago and would be willing to sell it at a discounted price. William Wynne helped me disassemble the case and inspect the Crank and it is in great shape. William drilled the safety shaft in it, and Moldex performed the Nitriding, grinding 10/10 under, radiusing, and polishing the surfaces.
Let me know if you are interested...Moldex charges about $450 for the service...I'm asking $350 (price includes shipping to TX)
- Frank
Frank Alvarez
Sonex #800, Aerovee 2.1
Scratch Building (working on Cowl)