by DCASonex » Sun May 10, 2015 8:55 am
Have GRT servos running off their Sport SX. Have drawings on how I installed mine, but my layout is single center stick and may not be applicable to yours. E-mail me if interested.
While the thought of putting dual axis autopilot into and Sonex probably makes John Monnett's blood boil, it turns an airplane that needs full attention to flying into a decent cross country machine, while giving more time to watch scenery and for traffic. Used it near full time on recent trip from Buffalo NY area to ASA Spring Fling in Asheboro, NC. Not wiped out by end of trip despite bumpy ride with a lot of thermals. For local flying, often use it to hold altitude only while sight seeing.
Never cease to be amazed at what compact modern electronics provides. With ADS-B in, to that Sport SX, also have radar weather, traffic alerts, conditions at various airport beyond range of AWOS, etc. Way more capabilities in that one unit than had in a panel full of stuff in old Grumman Cheetah.
David A. Sonex TD, GRT Sport SX, with dual axis autopilot.