by SonexN76ET » Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:52 am
I am going to disagree with some of you on the "play" you feel when hand turning the prop. I verified this with Kerry at Sonex. You will feel the prop move in and out a little when you turn it by hand. This is due to two things. The first, is that the movement is more noticeable because with the prop on you are feeling it with a 54x44 inch disk on the front instead of a four inch pulley as you would in automotive trim. The second is that the crankshaft and camshaft have the intermeshing gear with angled gear groves. So if you move the prop one way, then reverse the movement and move the other way the crankshaft is being pushed forward and then backward by the interlocking of the angled groves on the prop and camshaft. This movement will feel to be more than what the crankshaft endplay is set at. It "feels" like it is 1/16th or an inch or so versus the .006 inches the crankshaft endplay is set at.
However, in the video link provided in your example, that does appear to me to be excessive movement and you need to check with Sonex on their recommendation for your particular situation.
Sonex Tri Gear, Rotax 912 ULS, Sensenich 3 Blade Ground Adjustable Propeller
MGL Velocity EMS, Garmin GTR 200 Comm, GTX 335 ADS B Out Transponder
ILevil AW AHRS & ADS-B In, UAvionix AV20S
200+ hours previously with Aerovee engine
Sarasota, Florida