Kai wrote:For one I am a little confused here! As far as I seem to recall from my Jab gen 1 and -2 days, the Jab installation manual indicates the cht sensor ring is supposed to go under the sparkplug closest to the exhaust valve (not the inlet valve).
Discussions have run high for the best position for the pickup. Under the plug is fine, but there is a lot of cooling air circulating there actually causing erroneous readings. The hottest position of the head is on the underside of it, close to the lower cyl head bolt. There have been suggested numerous solutions to pick up the cht at this position.
Rick524 wrote:Hi Mark, the head bolt at six o'clock is usually the one that needs torquing because of high chts, so I guess that would be
the best choice for a sensor. You could do a test with an 'under the plug' sensor and one on the head bolt to compare readings, so you
have a reference. Then go with just the head bolt ones.
Or maybe use a laser temperature gun to scan the heads when they are up to temp? Maybe there is a better location for the sensors.
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