by DCASonex » Sun May 31, 2015 9:42 am
This may sound odd, but you may have too much oil in there, especially if pressure was okay at start. With engine level, fill no more than to half way mark on the dipstick. Reason for this as explained to me is that with more oil, it will be full to point where it blocks passage under bearings that separate cylinder pairs. Piston pairs move in and out together displacing a lot of air. That air will churn and foam the oil when it passes under the bearing supports. This can also cause high oil temps. CAMit engines come with dipsticks more appropriately calibrated, but only when engine is level. For tail-draggers, must raise tail to get engine level, then after filling to half way point, note level on dipstick after putting tail back on ground. The 3300 engines will be greatly overfilled if not leveled before checking.
Are you using the standard pressure port that is at angle near top of crankcase or the forward facing one just below that. Standard port is pressure before filter and oil cooler, the forward facing one is pressure in galley after those. Galley pressure will always be lower, but 7 PSI is low for either.
Since your pressure is low at idle RPM, hose restrictions to oil cooler are not likely to be your immediate problem, but Sonex recommends replacing the 1/8" NPT hose fittings in the oil cooler adapter (OCA) with 1/4" NPT. Even then, depending on type of hose and fittings used to the oil cooler, the fittings may be too restrictive. If using Aeroquip fittings into braided hose, best to use AN8 (1/2") hose for those as fitting for the AN6 hose are a bit restrictive.
If you are not already a member of the Yahoo Jabiru engine forum, should join that, much more discussion of Jabiru engines there than here.
David A.