by WesRagle » Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:39 pm
Hi Bill,
Just a couple of comments.
I had to deal with thermocouples quite a bit (a lot) during a previous life. Speaking just of the sensor, thermocouples are very simple devices. There were only four states we worried about. Normal, Open, Shorted, and Intermittent.
Normal is just what you would expect. Open was when the weld of the thermocouple failed. Shorted was when there was a fault in the insulation which caused the formation of an unintended junction which was not at the intended sensing point. A failing, but not totally failed, thermocuple was refered to as Intermittent.
The sensing circuitry for cockpit indication we designed/used included a drift circuit which would cause the indication to drift downscale if the thermocouple opened up. I'm not familiar with MGL so I don't know if they did or not. If they did, an open, intermittent, or shorted thermocouple would all cause a low reading.
An easy test is to just apply power to the system, disconnect the suspect thermocouple, and see if the indication for that thermocouple drifts downscale. If it does I doubt that you have a sensor problem.
The above assumes that the T/C amp they used is able to read negative voltages and they are therefor able to indicate temperatures below ambient.
Best of Luck,
Wes Ragle
Onex #89
Conventional Gear
Long Tips
Hummel 2400 w/Zenith Carb
Prince P Tip 54x50
First Flight 06/23/2020
42.8 Hrs. as of 10/30/21