Wildly Fluctuating Oil Pressure

Discussion of the Aerovee kit engine.

Re: Wildly Fluctuating Oil Pressure

Postby mike.smith » Sat Sep 24, 2022 9:05 am


The issue appears to be that the OP relief valve springs had worn out. I ordered new plungers/springs, and when I compared the original springs that I took out, to the new springs, the new ones were nearly an inch longer! So the old springs had lost enough strength to hold the plungers against the oil pressure, allowing the pressure to drop.

So add this to the collective VW memory banks!
Mike Smith
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Re: Wildly Fluctuating Oil Pressure

Postby Bryan Cotton » Sat Sep 24, 2022 9:08 am

Excellent! Thanks Mike for the info.
Bryan Cotton
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Re: Wildly Fluctuating Oil Pressure

Postby Jerry09w » Sun Sep 25, 2022 9:45 am

The Aerovee has 2 pressure releif valves, one front and oe rear. You may want to make sure the long spring did not get put in the back, that would do away with the bypass for the top mount oil cooler if it gets plugged or very cold which could cause low oil pressure even it the pump is working OK. If they had been reversed that would also explain the short spring in the front relief valva. Check page 13 of the aerovee manual.
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Re: Wildly Fluctuating Oil Pressure

Postby mike.smith » Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:11 pm

Jerry09w wrote:The Aerovee has 2 pressure releif valves, one front and oe rear. You may want to make sure the long spring did not get put in the back, that would do away with the bypass for the top mount oil cooler if it gets plugged or very cold which could cause low oil pressure even it the pump is working OK. If they had been reversed that would also explain the short spring in the front relief valva. Check page 13 of the aerovee manual.

Nope, not that. If you tried to put the long spring in the back you'd never get the retaining plug in. So it becomes pretty obvious they are reversed.
Mike Smith
Sonex N439M
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