As a retired VW technician and Service manager I have rebuilt literally hundreds of air cooled engines and several water cooled. On the type III there is a plastic spacer between the head and intake manifold that has a very thin attached paper gasket on each side. The spacer is replaced anytime the intake is removed. When installing a thin coat of VW case sealer is used as a sealant.......1970’s........
Fast foreword 2015......I matched my intake manifolds to the heads by scribing the head then the intake mating surfaces using one of the steel gaskets as a guide. Then a die grinder was used to remove material from heads and intakes so to make a smooth transition reducing turbulence and effectively increasing the airflow. Using the steel gasket as a guide, a gasket was cut out of the thinnest gasket material I could locate, to prevent compressive settling, and installed with aviation permatex on the head and manifold surfaces.
Take this for what it’s worth, but I have never had a leak.
I’m NOT an engineer, just experienced.
As far as the SOS Beer Venture thing, it’s a stiff neck against greed. It could be worked out if both sides can talk and don’t let the lawyers enter the room.
My technique and opinion and they both probably stink.
ONEX 090