by GordonTurner » Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:42 pm
Well put Noel. I obviously fit in that particular generation you mentioned, but I'm trying to get a handle and more importantly to me, a comfort level, with these new pretty incredible batteries.
The reasons I'm planning on two batteries mostly revolve around the abrupt way they die, and the fact that my motor is electric dependent. After I run the first one down, quite possibly by my own fault, I want a backup that really is the find a place to land backup. I also think I will be able to use two batteries minimally sized for starting my engine, that can be easily combined for example on cold day starting.
Waiex 158 New York. N88YX registered.
3.0 Liter Corvair built, run, and installed.
Garmin panel, Shorai LiFePo batteries.