Who has a running Aerovee?

Discussion of the Aerovee kit engine.

Re: Who has a running Aerovee?

Postby fastj22 » Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:02 pm

Here's how I would trouble shoot it.
Remove a plug from each cylinder.
Get a cheap compression gauge from HF or auto parts store.
Screw it into cylinder #1
Hand turn the prop at least 720 degrees.
That will mak sure you get one compression stroke.
Check the gauge.
If you get a good reading, move it to the next cylinder. Repeat.
If you don't get a good reading, it's either a valve, head or ring issue.
Focus on one cylinder at a time.

I suspect it's probably a valve adjustment issue. If you have them too tight at the rocker, they won't seat properly.

John Gillis
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Re: Who has a running Aerovee?

Postby uteboy » Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:36 pm

Sounds like it could be way to lean. Have you tried giving it a squirt of something like easystart?

I bet its something simple. Are the plug leads on the right plugs? I got plug wires mixed up once. Felt a right plonker when it finally fired right up.
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Re: Who has a running Aerovee?

Postby MichaelFarley56 » Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:13 pm

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I haven't had a chance to fill everyone in on my engine issue, but I finally found my problem. Thankfully Sonex and the Aerovee parts are fine...but my building procedures leave a little to be desired. Long story short, when I bolted on my camshaft gear I bolted it 120 degrees off of where it should be, leading to my timing issue. I was able to access these bolts through the oil pump housing but now I will need to remove (hopefully) one cylinder to file the camshaft a little where a connecting rod is hitting the cam. If this would happen to work I should have everything back up and ready for another first start attempt in a few days.

Sorry if I misled anyone...the engine seems fine it's a stupid builder that's the problem!

I'll post a better engine review as soon as I get this engine running.
Mike Farley
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