Onex outboard wing panel aileron pushrod interference

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Onex outboard wing panel aileron pushrod interference

Postby WesRagle » Tue May 05, 2020 7:37 pm

Hi Guys,

After assembling my inboard wing panel I attached my completed outboard wing panel and test rigged the aileron controls. That's when I discovered what seems to be a common problem. An interference problem with the short aileron push rod and the outer wing panel spar.

Here is a pic of the problem as seen through the inspection hole:

The solution is to open up the push rod pass through hole in the outer wing panel spar web. This would have been easier if it had been done before skinning the outer wing panel. I don't have a template for the finished hole size but it can be determined on an individual basis by test rigging the controls while the outer wing panel is in the skeleton stage. That will of course require that the ailerons be ready to mount.

Here is a pic through the inspection hole after clearancing:

It actually wasn't too bad to clearance even with the wing skinned.

Here is a pic of the tools I used:

A straight die grinder with a bur, a small flapper wheel to clean up the hole, and some scotch bright to polish it out. I fed the air hose through the aft lightening hole, my hand through the third lightening hole, and looked through the inspection hole while working.

Hope this helps.


Wes Ragle
Onex #89
Conventional Gear
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Hummel 2400 w/Zenith Carb
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Joined: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:35 pm
Location: Weatherford, Tx

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