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Submitting a Lessons-learned: Read this first!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 4:22 pm
by Sonex Foundation
Sharing Lessons-Learned Helps Strengthen the Sonex Builder Community

It's in our nature to strive for more, aim for better, and seek ways to improve ourselves. That's part of what defines us as humans, and this trait is ever-present in homebuilt aircraft builders. We achieve that betterment when we reflect on our successes, learn from our mistakes, and consider the examples of others.

This forum is designed to be a repository of Lessons-Learned and Best Practices. These entries are intended to transfer the knowledge gained from builders that have walked the path to those that are just starting out.


Lessons-learned submissions follow a standardized format designed to identify the issue, draw out the relevant factors and present useful guidance to others facing a similar situation. The length of each write-up and amount of detail presented are varied as needed to convey the topic. The goal is to be as clear and succinct as possible. The submitter answers the following 5 questions:

1) What went wrong (or right), and why?
2) What were the shortcomings, and why did they exist?
3) What actions were taken to fix the problem?
4) What preventive actions should be taken into account for future efforts?
5) What overall recommendations should be made for future projects?

How to Submit a Lesson-Learned or Best Practice:

To submit a lesson-learned or best practice to the repository, create a short write-up using the format above. Be specific and detailed in your write-up, and include pictures as needed to illustrate the problem and solution. When you submit the post to this forum it will go into a review queue. A reviewer may reach out to you with comments or clarifications prior to approving the post for inclusion. Once approved, it will be publicly posted to the forum.

All posts is this forum are locked from replies, so general comments and further discussion should occur in the general discussion forum areas. Reviewers may need to make adjustments or corrections to the post at a later date based on user comments, but the goal is to have single posts with the right information.

Share Early, Share Often!

This is your chance to help build the body of knowledge available to the Sonex community, to bolster the efforts of builders that will follow, improve safety and our track record of performance,and to pay it forward in honor of those that have helped you. So put that hard-won knowledge to work, and share a lesson-learned!

Robbie Culver
Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation