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SonexFlight Episode 78 - SBPF Transition Training Syllabus

PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:40 pm
by sonex1374
SonexFlight Episode 78 "Transition Training with the SBPF Syllabus" is available for download!

With spring finally here and new builders reading their planes for first flight, new owners getting ready to ferry their newly-purchased Sonex home, and the rest of us thinking about knocking the rust off on our own proficiency, it's time to discuss Transition Training. The Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation published a training syllabus designed to guide pilots through the process of gaining proficiency to fly their Sonex airplanes, and satisfy their insurance requirements so they can obtain insurance coverage. We review the syllabus, talk with a new Sonex pilot who recently used the syllabus for his own Sonex transition, and offer some practical advice to those looking to train in the future.
