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Faster/Cooler mods

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 3:31 am
by Murray Parr
Here is a copy of what I just put on the Sonex Facebook page.

After 9 months of tinkering improvements, The Waiex is flying again with much improved cooling and other mods. Only a 40-minute flight but everything is seemingly improved. Proper testing to follow to see if any performance gains.
Love the sound of my new dual custom-made exhaust and the back pressure tests are well within specs, could possibly use larger openings on the perforated tubing inside the mufflers but probably won't bother with my plane, might be tempting to start producing them.
Haven't flown her since last April and came in a bit hot with the speed and skipped along the runway a bit after floating well past my landing target.

Bit of an ugly duckling but still have to do cosmetics and paint after I am happy with testing the new engine thrust line angles.

Very close fit and it is slightly rubbing between 9 O'clock and 11 O'clock positions facing the prop. That rubbing would be on decent under no power, basically an air brake being pushed towards the cowl. Well, that's my theory anyway...

The new cooling plenum works awesomely.

Re: Faster/Cooler mods

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 5:38 pm
by Murray Parr
For those of you that don't know what mods I carried out, here are the main changes:

1) Install harder durometer engine mount bushings and remake the bed mount rails (relocate the bolt holes) to get 2.5 degrees right thrust and 1.5 degree up thrust. This has made a significant difference, and I probably could have gone more on the right thrust because I still need 1/2 rudder on climb out but still it is much better than the 3/4 rudder needed before. In cruise the ball is centered with the pedals close to neutral. Still need further testing with this and will likely call it good now.

2)Build a custom dual side by side exhaust so I can fit the heat exchangers under the engine. The tail pipes are designed with ejector nozzles and positioned to help draw air out of the cowl and hopefully add a bit of thrust.

3) Build a cooling plenum and use the" Meredith effect" to help give a bit of free thrust. Also added an adjustable exit nozzle for this.

4) Streamline the inlet openings and add provisions for ducting Ram air to the carbs, haven't decided yet if this is a good idea and might just duct the cooler air to the air filters.

5) Converted all the oil lines to AN-8 fittings and installed Teflon hoses. Replaced the coolant radiator hoses with silicon hoses.

6) Had to relocate the oil tank to the firewall for exhaust clearance.

Re: Faster/Cooler mods

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 7:09 pm
by Skippydiesel
Good work Murray -I am sure it will collectively deliver the hoped for performance.