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Recent QB builders happy with the product?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 11:05 am
by sean44
Greetings once again fellow birdmen and birdwomen!

After looking at some of the options on the used market and somewhat narrowing my search on what engine I’d put in a Sonex B - I’m starting to consider ordering up a QB kit in time to save the 10% savings with the recent offer from the factory.

I’m just wondering if anyone who has ordered a “recent” QB kit might chime in about their thoughts on the subject - on quality of the work and time saved of course. I’m interested in building but - I’m also interested in FLYING - so if I go down this path it’s going to be a quick path within reason.

Thanks everyone for all the support out here. Everyone I’ve reached out to has been so gracious with their time and it has allowed me to focus and refine my understanding of ALL THINGS SONEX!



Re: Recent QB builders happy with the product?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 5:39 pm
by Bryan Cotton
We didn't go the quick build route. I have looked at them at the Sonex open house. The quality looked good. Honestly it's an easy airplane to build and that makes it an easy airframe to do a quick build option with hired labor.

What you won't get in a quick build kit is getting every sheetmetal edge polished obsessively with scotchbrite and those other sorts of things that nutjobs like I do. That's probably not a big deal.

If you have the money, I'd say go for it.