Paul Johnson wrote:Has anybody tried squeezing the trailing edge of the aileron on the light wing to correct for a heavy wing as they do on Vans Aircraft.
There have been several Sonex builders to squeeze trailing edges to correct wing heaviness. The technique is pretty much the same as Vans uses (reduce the trailing edge radius of the light wing), but the only challenge is controlling the amount of squeeze-down to apply. The Sonex rounded edges on the control surfaces are pretty tough to compress, and it can be a bit tricky to press them down uniformly. Having said all that, with a little care it works just fine.
As Graeme noted, the Sonex often shows a little wing-heavy tendency when adding or removing a passenger. If you trim it for one condition, it might not be trimmed for the other (e.g. it's OK solo, but wing-heavy with a passenger). Some builders have made a removable "wedge" stlyle aileron trim tab that attaches to the bottom of one aileron with industrial velcro, and that reportedly works well. I think for the rest of us, the light stick forces allow you to keep it level with very little effort so we don't pursue it any further.
If you really want to get creative, ask John Gillis about his electric aileron trim wired to his hat switch. Super simple, and pretty nifty.