Fuel Sensor for Dynon
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 1:54 pm
I am trying to figure out what the best fuel sensor/probe is to work with Dynon Skyview. Have any of you been down this road?
A Forum for Sonex Aircraft Builders and Enthusiasts
LarryEWaiex121 wrote:George,
Used what is referred to as the "big red fuel cube" as sold by Dynon. This in combination with my Skyview has worked flawlessly for the past 8 yrs. Reported fuel burn vs. actual fuel onboard is normally within 1 or 2 tenths of a gallon. Pretty darned accurate.
Its been too long since I wired my plane to remember the issue I had with my Princeton fuel probe, but there was and issue. Something about capacitance vs. resistance if I remember correctly. The unit I got from Sonex was incorrect for the Dynon way of reading.
Once I called Princeton, they set me on the right path and its been trouble free since.