Onex Build Status and Completion Photos

Discussion for builders, pilots, owners, and those interested in building or owning a Onex.

Re: Onex Build Status and Completion Photos

Postby Bryan Cotton » Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:01 pm

That looks great!
Bryan Cotton
Poplar Grove, IL C77
Waiex 191 N191YX
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Re: Onex Build Status and Completion Photos

Postby dhogue » Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:51 pm

Deleted redundant post.
Last edited by dhogue on Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Don Hogue
Onex 0173: Tailwheel: AeroVee Turbo.
Horiz/Vert Stabs, Rudder/Elevators, Fwd/IB/OB/Aileron Bellcranks on Ribs and Main Fwd/Aft Center Wing Spars, Fuselage : Complete.
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Re: Onex Build Status and Completion Photos

Postby Onex107 » Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:34 am

Whow, this site hasn't recieved any info for a year. What's going on out there in Onex land. My #107 has accumulated 60 hours and is a joy to fly. I've been flying a C-150 for 20 years, 90% of the time by myself, thus my decision to build a single place in my old age. You see I am a member of the UFO's also. That's the United Flying Octogenarians. Don't let anyone tell you that you are too old to build an airplane. Onex 107 shares a T hangar with the C-150 with one wing folded up very nicely. Two for the price of one. I have taken in two partners in the 150 so my flying costs have been reduced significantly.
I must say the construction of the Onex was a very satisfying experiance. I would have been happy without ever flying it. It went together in less than 1000 hours in my half of a two car garage. My wifes car never had to be moved. I completed the fusalage and engine and moved it to the hangar, then built the wings. Actually the tail feathers were put together first so any mistakes would be smaller. It didn't make sense to build the wings first and store them for a year. N2107X is polished with the nonmetalics painted red. All airplanes should be red and white. My friend in Tenn. started his engine for the first time last week so I guess the fleet is still growing. I don't know how to add a picture to this reply or I would. Keep up the good work. Get those Onex's in the air and enjoy a real freedom of flight.
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Re: Onex Build Status and Completion Photos

Postby onex28 » Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:43 pm ... 4CL5Uj.jpg

Milestone today. Finally closed up the glare shield with nut plates and screws so if I ever have to get at the fuel tank I won't have to drill out rivets. Note that the fuel vent AL tubing is not painted. Cold and rainey here and didn't want to wait, will figure out a way to get it to flat black. Now to reinstall the wind screen and then on to the canopy and cowl and finish the baffling. Probably won't get it in the air this year, too many trips coming up plus colder weather ahead in MN.

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Re: Onex Build Status and Completion Photos

Postby Vegaj02 » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:42 am

I am building onex 044 in Orlando, FL. I purchased the kit virtually untouched on June 14 2015. I have about 170 hours into her and things are coming along great. The fuselage and landing gear are mostly together. I have the horizontal almost complete except I have to purchase one of the elevator sides because I cut it too short. It was my first mistake. Lol Here is link to my kitlog where you can see some pics.

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Re: Onex Build Status and Completion Photos

Postby Stogie6 » Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:56 pm

Don't know if anybody else has an office that is pretty much a ghost town this time of year, but I have been distracted and am thinking of various paint schemes for my Onex. Getting closer to finishing...maybe April for first flight? Don't know. As they say, it will fly when it is done. So, this is what I am currently thinking about for paint schemes. I am basing it off of the Aeroshell Aerobatic Team - with the change being the color...mustard yellow. My niece works for Pixar and is creating the nose art for me.
Fun to dream. Hopefully the attachment comes along for the ride.

COL Mustard Paint Scheme.pdf
(505.42 KiB) Downloaded 654 times
David F. Jones
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Onex Build Status and Completion Photos

Postby Sonex1517 » Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:00 pm

I got a message telling me I did not have permission to open the attachment.

Robbie Culver
Sonex 1517
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Re: Onex Build Status and Completion Photos

Postby Bryan Cotton » Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:24 pm

Worked for me! Cool paint scheme.
Bryan Cotton
Poplar Grove, IL C77
Waiex 191 N191YX
Taildragger, Aerovee, acro ailerons
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Re: Onex Build Status and Completion Photos

Postby Sonex1462 » Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:47 pm

Great looking paint scheme!
John Stewart
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Re: Onex Build Status and Completion Photos

Postby PeterLovell » Mon Dec 28, 2015 9:44 pm

Onex 0120, VH-BHU flew at Goolwa 27/12/2015 for the first time. Test pilot Chris Kelly first comment after landing was "you're going to have a lot of fun in this ". I flew it yesterday and again this morning. I have a smile a mile wide. About 15 C OAT, climbed at 85 knots, straight to 3,000feet , CHT peaked at 200C , 3,000rpm on climb at WOT, 3,300 straight and level at 3,000feet gave 120 knots IAS.
Flies superbly, light and responsive, requires no trim tabs.
At this stage it is performing exactly as per the factory spec's.
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