by WesRagle » Fri Aug 28, 2020 2:42 pm
HI Guys,
Thanks for the replies. Sorry for being terse but I only had a tablet and I'm not very good at tapping out text on those things.
What brought this to the forefront for me was trying to nail my landings. I was reducing power from a low cruise setting to idle to begin my descent and the yaw was very noticeable.
Anyway, like Jeff said, there are really only two solutions to my problem. Adjust thrust to the left or move the forward tip of the vertical right (and remove the trim tab). Adjusting the thrust line would probably be the best solution but I wouldn't want to try to fabricate a new mount. Messing with vertical isn't totally out of the question. It would be pretty easy to asses the rudder inputs necessary for straight flight by removing the tab and marking the rudder cable in straight and level cruise flight. I wonder how that information could be used to estimate how far to move the tip of the vertical? Just project the cord of the rudder to the tip of the vertical? Hmm....
I'll probably just live with it for now. I don't want to miss any of the Fall flying weather :-)
Wes Ragle
Onex #89
Conventional Gear
Long Tips
Hummel 2400 w/Zenith Carb
Prince P Tip 54x50
First Flight 06/23/2020
42.8 Hrs. as of 10/30/21