by Sonex1517 » Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:34 am
Good morning John,
I have a Sonex “Legacy” model and last fall began doing wheel landings after a friend of mine coached me through the technique. The following is my technique for solo flights, and I am not a CFI so this is just my experience.
I fly my downwind at about 80 mph indicated, pull one notch of flaps at the 45° angle to the touchdown point, reduce power further and pitch for about 70 mph on base. Once I am certain I have the runway made, I pull a second notch of flaps, and on final slow to 60 mph. Almost every landing is at idle from the 45° angle to the touchdown point.
As I begin my landing, I apply very slight back pressure to the stick and instead of trying to let her settle to the runway, I let her fly onto the surface. Once the mains touch, I literally just relax that pressure and allow the tail to stay up.
Now that I am comfortable doing this, I can tell you it is not only easy but a heck of a lot of fun! My landings have been more consistent, with less bounces, and I enjoy the challenge of making every landing better than the last.
I must have had a lucky day setting the toe-in while building, because she tracks straight as I roll out.
One final note - with two people in the airplane, I use 65 mph as my final approach speed and pull a third notch of flaps on short final.
Just my two cents of course. Your experience may vary - give it a try and have fun with your airplane!
Robbie Culver
Sonex 1517
Aero Estates (T25)
First flight 10/10/2015
375+ hours
Jabiru 3300 Gen 4
Prince P Tip