Onex Up Elevator Travel....?
Hey Onex is flying with 19 degrees up travel. That seems to be adequate. What I DID discover while practising stalls (at altitude) with 25 degrees (half flap) I could get a clean stall. With full flaps it really wouldn't stall but kind of mushed along, bobbing up and down (makes for a strange ride!).
Years ago I owned an Ercoupe that was "stall proof" and this had a similar feel when trying to stall it.
I have found no negative results during the landing flair with 19 degrees up elevator....of note: I much prefer to land with half flaps after much experimenting with half and full flaps...…..your mileage may vary.
I have some photos of the modified elevator horn and if you want them you will have to email me for that.
gdbaxter78@gmail.comGordon...…...Hummel 2400......Onex C-IODB