ONX Drawing # L-01 Landing Gear Assembly

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ONX Drawing # L-01 Landing Gear Assembly

Postby surfly » Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:21 pm

Refer to Standard Gear view AA and View BB on Drawing # L-01

Do both of the landing gear supports receive 22 rivets or only part -01??
The floor skin is only predrilled for part -01 I assume in case the builder chooses to build a tricycle gear.
Why are the rivets mentioned ccp-46 and not ccp-44?

Detail K
Is the AN-960 washer used between the landing gear and the cockpit floor to allow clearance for the rivet heads??
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Re: ONX Drawing # L-01 Landing Gear Assembly

Postby Klimek » Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:55 am

Both angles get 22 rivets. They are using ccp-46 because they have to go through the skin and angle support which is thicker than two skin pieces. The washers are used to allow the gear to
clear the rivet heads. Also a note, on ONX-F08-11, go ahead and drill, de-bur ALL the holes for rivets and the bolts (one on either end) but you might not want to
rivet and bolt it in place until you are done installing (for the last time) the landing gear. I left my gear off (after fitting it) until I had the inner wings skinned.
There are a few places I would not be able to get to drill, dimple, cleco and rivet with the gear in place on the root rib on the fuselage. The exact order you use to
install ONX-F08-11 is up to you. I had a lot of GAP time with my ONEX. (Gawking At Plans)
You can call, text or E-mail if you need anything. Hope this helps.
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Re: ONX Drawing # L-01 Landing Gear Assembly

Postby Klimek » Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:27 am

To clarify, the ONX-F08-11 I simply left off till I had the gear bolt nuts and washers installed. I'm fat and this made it easier for me to install the nuts and
washers under the stiffener.
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Re: ONX Drawing # L-01 Landing Gear Assembly

Postby surfly » Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:12 am

Thank you very much for your assistance. I had suspected that the bottom skin had to be riveted to both LG support angles but was not sure. It is reassuring to have someone ahead of me in their build to explain or verify correct assembly.
Now may I ask you about the LG thru bolt spacing. I realize the importance of centering the LG and the placement of the 4 bolts thru the lower skin and longeron at the outer ends. My question is did you utilize any of the pre-drilled rivet holes for the other 4 thru bolts? I plan on centering my gear using the center pre-drilled floor skin holes. For alignment I plan to measure from the rear tip of the gear leg to the center of the flange at the bottom of the rudder spar below where the tail wheel rod will extend, matching up each side exactly. By splitting the distance spanwise from the outer thru bolts to the center thru bolts I do not land on pre-drilled rivet holes for my other 4 bolts.
I feel that it is more important to have an even spacing between the LG thru bolts than it is to be concerned about using the pre-drilled rivet holes.

Maybe I am spending too much GAP time, (as you put it), slowly driving myself nuts!
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Re: ONX Drawing # L-01 Landing Gear Assembly

Postby Mike53 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:02 am

I pondered a long time trying to find a way to align the LG and came up with this method.Worked great for me and I used the predrilled holes from the factory.
Granted mine is a tri gear arrangement but the method will still apply. http://www.onexmike.org/landing-gear.html
I know but one freedom, and that is the freedom of the mind.
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Re: ONX Drawing # L-01 Landing Gear Assembly

Postby Klimek » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:36 am

I turned the gear upside down on one of my tables that is as near to perfectly flat as I could build it. dropped a plum bob from each end where the axels pass
through and divided that distance in half. This was my center. This is the line the center pre- punched rivet hole will line up with. (in the lower fuselage skin and angle)
I marked this as the center (left to right) of the gear legs with a square, found the center of this line (front to rear). This is the center left to right and front to rear. Find the distance between the centerlines on both gear support angle rivet holes and divide by two. Use this measurement to locate and drill the rear pilot hole in
my drill press. Mine is a standard gear ONEX so I used the rear rivet angle as a guide. I used a #30 drill and a long grip wing nut style Cleco so the gear would pivot at this point. Square the gear to the fuselage and drill the front pilot
hole through the angle, skin and gear leg. Verify things are still square and drill the remainder of the pilot holes, 10 in all. I up-drilled in 4 steps to the final size.
You could have built the Space Shuttle by now. It is really easier than I made it sound.
Feel free to call or e-mail any time.
Now I'm dealing with crank dowel pin leaks.
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Re: ONX Drawing # L-01 Landing Gear Assembly

Postby Klimek » Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:59 am

All 10 landing gear holes line up with existing pre punched pilot holes. I simply counted the rivets on the plans and these were used to drill the landing gear bolt holes and left out the rivets that were going to be used for the gear bolts.
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