Bending upper firewall. ?

Discussion for Sonex builders on specific plans page experience. These posts are limited to technical suggestions such as assembly order, challenges, or techniques related to specific plans pages.

Re: Bending upper firewall. ?

Postby Gripdana » Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:53 am

I used the same method as the ribs in a forming block. It took stronger blows with the hard side of the sonex recommended mallet and lots of patients. In general all the stainless steel sucks to work with after doing so much with aluminum. Hard to bend hard to drill. Also got may cuts from sharp edges and burrs.
Dana Baker
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Re: Bending upper firewall. ?

Postby Sonex1542 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:26 pm

Gripdana wrote: In general all the stainless steel sucks to work with after doing so much with aluminum. Hard to bend hard to drill. Also got may cuts from sharp edges and burrs.

Had the same exact thought after finishing the upper firewall last night. Got stuck a few times in the fingertips, cuts across the palms, a couple of good cuts. Glad I won't be seeing SS again! Hoping to get the front fuse on this weekend. Still think the former method sucks, glad you had good luck with it.
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