Tailwheel Tuning

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Tailwheel Tuning

Postby Skippydiesel » Thu Oct 26, 2023 5:57 pm

My Sonex has 50 Hobb hrs - from the start I have had great difficulty in getting the tailwheel to break away/swivel in a hard left turn. The right turn performs flawlessly.

The 4" ingle fork, tailwheel assembly is by Aviation Products Inc (API) https://apitailwheels.com/ (yes have written and waiting for response). Similar, slightly larger, unit by API, featured in Kitplanes https://www.kitplanes.com/tech-tip-tailwheel-tune-up/


The aircraft tracks straight on the ground ie tail wheel is correctly aligned with airframe.
Mechanism - a cam operated spring loaded pin designed to unlock at about 33 degrees from centre/straight. Appears as new, in good condition.
My steering, from rudder horn to control arm, is via a single rod. Adjusting this impacts negatively on the right turn break away point.
Right rudder horn is on stop, just before swivel action (break away) available .
Left rudder horn is on stop and mechanism will not swivel.
Have relocated steering arm in towards pivot point by about 25mm - swivel works well both directions BUT occurs just before rudders horns engage stops.

My concern is that it is now possible to ground loop inadvertently (ie before rudder hits stops, which is the warning to pilot, that swivel steering may be activated) when almost full rudder defection is achieved. Is this a safety issue?
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Re: Tailwheel Tuning

Postby sonex892. » Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:25 pm

I dont actually have the same tailwheel as you. Mine is a one off home made swivelling breakaway, but the function is the same. I believe you actually need it to reliably breakaway just before the rudder horn touches the stops. I would consider it more of a safety issue if it didnt breakaway to swivel at full pedal every time.
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Re: Tailwheel Tuning

Postby Skippydiesel » Fri Oct 27, 2023 5:12 am

sonex892. wrote:I dont actually have the same tailwheel as you. Mine is a one off home made swivelling breakaway, but the function is the same. I believe you actually need it to reliably breakaway just before the rudder horn touches the stops. I would consider it more of a safety issue if it didnt breakaway to swivel at full pedal every time.

Thanks 892,

Before I changed the rod position, the right turn swivelling action, came into play at or slightly after, the rudder horn hit its stop.

With the change of steering rod position both sides now break away/swivel, a little before the rudder horn stops. I am starting to think this is the correct action and I will just have to adjust my ground handling accordingly - what say you?
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