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sliding canopy
Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:49 pm
by wingnut99
I know I saw a Sonex or 2 at Oshkosh last summer with the aftermarket tilt back canopy. I'm not even close to starting the fuselage but before I get that far I need to verify if the right wing requires a doubler like the left wing which the standard tip out canopy kit provides. With both occupants entering from the left there's no need for a doubler on the right wing but since I want to use the other style of canopy I assume that it would need to be done to support the traffic using the right wing for a entry point. Is there any reason why an additional doubler like the one on the left side flipped over wouldn't work on the right wing? I might just make my own but if the left one would work then I could use it for a pattern. I'm completing the right wing currently and should probably be considering this before I finish the wing.
Re: sliding canopy
Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:58 pm
by fastj22
The tilt back will require a second wing doubler, if you want pax to enter from the right wing. The geometry of the A model won’t allow a sliding canopy. The B model might.
Re: sliding canopy
Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:49 am
by wlarson861
You will need a wing walk on the right side. I used the left side kit part upside down and traced the walk doubler for the mirror image. I used the kit right side gap seal and cut away the portion that was replaced with the wing walk.
Re: sliding canopy
Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:09 pm
by wingnut99
Thanks for the feedback. I was pretty sure that you wouldn't want to have people step there without the reinforcement. Guess flipping the left doubler upside down to trace the right side is the way to go. I'm pretty sure that I can get a piece of the material locally so that'll probably save some bucks. Thanks
Re: sliding canopy
Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:01 pm
by Rynoth
I did a swing back canopy but did not add the doubler on the right side (saved a little weight/work.) I'll put NO STEP stickers on the right side and enter left-side only. You don't want anyone standing on the wing without the doubler.
Duplicating the left-side should get you started, it's kind of a custom-fit piece anyways when you trim it to match the fuselage side.
Re: sliding canopy
Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:52 am
by DCASonex
Just remember if omitting that right side wing walk that fly-in breakfasts and local airshows abound in kids heavy enough to cause damage but not yet able or inclined to be bothered reading. An open tip back canopy is an invitation to climb up and have a look, (or even climb in).
David A.
Re: sliding canopy
Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:13 am
by fastj22
For those considering a right wing walk. I have an extra one that was included in my B-conversion kit that I won't be using. The problem is shipping, its a bit unwieldy to pack. But if you want to come pick it up, give me an offer.