Hello SonexBuilders.net!
Sonex Aircraft is pleased to report on the preliminary results of our testing with a liquid cooling system for the AeroVee Turbo’s turbocharger bearing block.
Summary of system and testing results:
- Max bearing block temperatures of approximately 211 degrees – a dramatic 118 degrees F reduction in maximum bearing block temperatures from the original AeroVee Turbo configuration (an approx. 60 degree reduction in temperatures from the current configuration per ACV-SB091616-1B and current AeroVee Turbo installation manuals).
- Total system weight under 5 lbs with coolant.
- Radiator location is flexible for tighter installations such as the Onex or Legacy Sonex Aircraft.
See the full, detailed report with pictures and data on the Hornets’ Nest R&D web site at:
http://www.sonexaircraft.com/research/updates/aeroveeturbo/aeroveeturbo_update_020618.htmlWe will continue to post new testing data and details of system availability in the coming weeks as our work on this project progresses.
Mark Schaible
General Manager
Sonex Aircraft, LLC
phone: 920-231-8297
fax: 920-426-8333
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