Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation update

Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation update

Postby Sonex1517 » Sun Mar 23, 2014 8:46 pm

Hello Sonex, Waiex, Onex, Xenos and SubSonex builders and pilots!

An update on what the foundation has been up to lately.

Please visit to see what we can offer for builders, pilots, and owners.

Monday, March 17, 2014

North Central Sonex Fly-In (first annual!!) June 7, 2014 in Buffalo, Minnesota USA.

A note from Wayne Flurry, event organizer:

"This is the second posting notice for this new event. Response to my
original posting was beyond expectations. The purpose of this second posting
is to get the attention of those who may not have seen the first posting,
and to confirm to others that I am proceeding with plans for the event.

This will be a one-day regional fly-in event for Sonex pilots, builders and
others who are interested in learning more about the Sonex line of aircraft.
It will be held at the Buffalo Airport, Buffalo, Minnesota. This is a
convenient and active airport, located west of Minneapolis, outside of Class
B airspace."

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Florida Sonex Association will be holding their Spring Sonex Fest at their home base this year, April 5th 2014, due to major construction at the Zephyrhills Airport. To register for the event, visit

Eric Seber, Waiex 153 builder, shared a technical article on the installation process of taper pins in the Waiex control system. Check out the document on the page.

Friday, February 22, 2014

Did you know that the SBPF produces a quarterly newsletter, titled Shop Talk, for its registered members? If you are not already a member, click here to join so that you receive the newsletter while it is hot off the press!

Archived issues of Shop Talk are now located on the page under the News section of our site.

The SBPF has been working diligently to produce a guide for new or prospective buyers of used Sonex type aircraft to utilize during the pre-purchase process. This guide is general in nature, but focuses on many Sonex-specific items to inspect or check during the pre-purchase process.

Check out the Inspection page located under the section.

The Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation continues to grow and add content to our website. If you have any technical content, hints, tips, tricks, or information to share, please pass it along to or or contact me via PM here.

The foundation was formed to promote and educate Sonex builders, pilots, and enthusiasts - we have a community that is unique and growing rapidly. Founded in May 2013, the group is made up of a small core of Directors, a Treasurer, a Membership chairperson, and our members.

Membership is available in two forms - free for those wishing to sign up, and a voting membership is available for those wishing to assist the foundation in growing and participate in electing the Directors that run the Foundation.

Membership details may be found at

We continue to wait on the IRS regarding our 501(c)(3) status and will update everyone when we know the final disposition. We do not anticipate any issues in being given this status.

Blue skies
Robbie Culver
Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation
Robbie Culver
Sonex 1517
Aero Estates (T25)
First flight 10/10/2015
375+ hours
Jabiru 3300 Gen 4
Prince P Tip
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Posts: 1670
Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:11 am
Location: T25 Aero Estates, Frankston, TX

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