I completed my rack (and my left wing!). That design (in the PDF I linked above) worked great, with the exception of the bolt lengths... none of the bolts needs to be longer than 2 inches, and I ended up cutting off 1/2"+ from the ends of 12 of them. The excess length interfered with the castoring wheels, and the bolts that hold the straps protruded more than I liked in the direction of the wings from under the strap. In hindsight I wish I'd inserted the strap bolts from the inside of the rack, to minimize the protrusion. I'll probably buy some more 2" bolts and change it later (I fried the end threads on the current bolts from cutting them.)
It took 4-5 hours and $80 in materials to build.
I agree that carpeting would be even better for the slings, if I can procure some scrap carpet I'll probably retrofit it later.
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