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Gear Leg Shimmy In Taildraggers

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:11 pm
by Sonex 772

I did a post a while back on the problem I was having with Gear Leg Shimmy.. There was some one that made a remark on my post, they said they used Dyna Beeds in there tires. So I got some and put them in and the Gear Leg Shimmy is gone.

The shimmy only happened on landing, it also happened on one takeoff when I left the tailwheel on the ground during the takeoff, I always lift the tail on takeoff, that is how I learned to fly tailwheel, I tried to leave the tailwheel on the ground once and it didn't feel right, so the tail comes up on all takeoff's..


Re: Gear Leg Shimmy In Taildraggers

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:57 am
by Rynoth
How many ounces did you use in each tire? 1oz?

This is a pretty nifty demonstration of how they work:

Re: Gear Leg Shimmy In Taildraggers

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:22 am
by fastj22
I used about 1oz in each tire.
I had lost faith in the dynobeads after I installed new tires last month. Reused the tubes I had before with the beads already in them. The first few landings and my legs shook bad at about 35 MPH. I figured the tires were out of round. But things have settled down and now smooth as glass. Not sure if the dynobeads resolved it, or my tires finally seated properly? but i've done a few dozen landings and things are fine now.

Re: Gear Leg Shimmy In Taildraggers

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:33 am
by Sonex 772
I also used 1oz per tire, that shimmy was really bad on my Sonex and I am glad the Dyna Beads solved the problem.. At first I was not sure if they were going to work or not. In a land vehicle the tires start rolling slow, as for an airplane the tire goes from a stop to 40 mph in an instant, but the Dyna Bead catch up quick.. NO more shimmy.

I guess some people get lucky and get tires that are better balanced than others..
