Hi Patrick,
I have a home made cowl flap on my Sonex/912 ULS opened/closed by a linear actuator very much like the Antisplat one.
The Antisplat (pictured) seems to have a lot of pivot points/levers (overcomplicated). Mine just has the two pivot points, on each end of the linear actuator.
My two way switch, is up for fully closed/down for fully open - I have contemplated a switch allowing the pilot to part open/close based on time.
The linear actuators come in a wide range of extensions, force and extension speeds.
Most seem to come from China (as I suspect the Aerosplat one shown looks identical to mine).
My first actuator only lasted about 50 hrs. It had a 30 mm extension - way to much. It made the flap almost 90 degrees when open (more like some sort of drag devise). I have odred a new one with a 20mm extension. Its closed length will be too short for my setup, so I intend making a 10mm threaded custom adjustment rod for the moving end, so that I can get the closed position just right.
I purchased my first & now second linear actuator from CarryMart
https://www.carymart.com/linear-actuato ... c-505.htmlFYI :The only reason I purchase from CarryMart is that they offer a wide range of actuator type and sizes, varying speeds (I went for the slowest) force, and seem to have a comprehensive specification on each item. They are expensive (compared with other Chinese sourced offerings that look the same). Most of the Chinese offerings have little in the way of listed dimension & performance specifications. CarryMart are veeeeeeeery slow to deliver. My last purchase took 37 days to dispatch and a further 20 days to deliver - first purchase was only little better.