Kai wrote:Probably all valid questions- and I would not be surprised if somebody is sitting on the answers. Perhaps maybe they even have a choice Down Under? They seem quite happy to mix both!
"In 1947 Australia signed the Metre Convention, making metric units legal for use in Australia. In 1970 the Metric Conversion Act was passed, allowing for the metric system to become the sole system of measurement."Australia is probably around 95% metric, however certain "trades" somehow combined both, into an unholy mess. I believe it's much the same in the British Isles. Aviation is one of the worst offenders, possibly because of the US dominance in aircraft production, requiring all sorts of support activities to be not only in imperial but aviation imperial (AN the invention of the devil).
My last aircraft - ATEC Zephyr - was all metric - minimised the tools required and was a joy to work on. My Sonex has a Rotax (metric) coupled to an imperial airframe - a nightmare!
My fuel is in liters, weight & balance in kg/mm, speed in knots, altitude in feet, temperatures in degrees Centigrade, distance from cloud & runway specifications in meters - a mess!