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The latest on NavWorx & FAA, according to AOPA...

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 4:40 pm
by airscribe
Reads like the FAA and NavWorx are nearing a resolution to the proposed -- but never finalized -- AD on the company's ADS600-B UAT...

Check it out for yourselves here:


Hope it means relief for those of you hamstrung by this long-running dispute.

Waiex #216
AeroVee Turbo
N275AB reserved

Re: The latest on NavWorx & FAA, according to AOPA...

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:11 pm
by WaiexN143NM
Hi dave, all
I dont think that is a click on link, i went to Click on news and media, scrool down below to right side youll see article. Patiently waiting for the out come.


Re: The latest on NavWorx & FAA, according to AOPA...

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:53 am
by Jonathan McGee
The FAA has finally published the AD. Basically, you need to either disable it or give it an external GPS source (the later option is probably the cheapest for those already invested). If Navworx modifies the firmware to report SIL 0 again, then it would also fulfill the terms of the AD but would not meet the 2020 mandate. And, on page 8, they specifically call out that this does apply to experimental aircraft.

It comes down to the use of a non-TSO GPS source (an off-the-shelf SiRF IV, which going through a couple owners, is now owned by Qualcomm) and claiming a non-zero SIL.