by NWade » Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:17 am
A few thoughts:
1) If you’re still at the “pondering purchasing a kit” phase, don’t even worry about Avionics. Odds are that in the few years it’ll take you to build the airframe, multiple new products will come out for each vendor, and pricing will all change between now and then. :-) And then when you’re building the airplane and you think it’s time to buy avionics, don’t. Wait. Unless you’ve built several airplanes, there’s a lot more left to build than you may realize. As hard as it is to hold off, having gone through it myself *thinking* I had waited until the right time to buy, I still had the avionics sitting on my shelf for almost a year before I put them in the airplane. You basically want the whole airframe together (except the bottom skins of the fuselage) and the engine mounted and a bunch of your controls routed, before you buy any avionics.
2) I have MGL gear in my Sonex and I’m happy with it overall (Note: I’m still waiting on first flight, however the avionics and engine have been running for 2+ years and logged multiple hours of ground usage).
3) I also live less than 10 miles from Dynon’s HQ and know some of their folks. They’re a standup group with great engineering chops.
4) Typically, once you account for wires and probes and such, the equivalent size screen/EFIS/base functions wind up costing a bit less for the MGL products. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the MGL products. But the Dynon products *are* a little bit more polished and well-tuned. So if you aren’t scraping to come up with the cash for an EFIS I’d lean slightly towards Dynon as long as you can get the equivalent setup for no more than $1k - $2k over an MGL setup. Over multiple years of flying, that cost difference will really amortize down to nothing.
Again there’s nothing wrong with MGL stuff; but there are “little things” that add up. For example, I had to send my MGL iEFIS Lite unit in for some added shielding because it was shooting EMI/RFI out the front of the screen and my radio antenna (mounted on top of the turtledeck) was picking up on it. However, after the work was done on my unit it’s performed flawlessly and it has integrated with my (MGL) Radio and Trig Transponder just as-advertised.
Hope this info helps!