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Waiex # 142 Panel - IFR in a Sonex

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:58 pm
by 142YX
I am going to let the cat out of the bag with my intentions to commit complete avionics overkill in my Waiex.

I intend on installing all of the goodies seen below.. a dual Dynon Skyview system with a Garmin SL30 nav/com. This will enable me to use the built in electronic HSI of the Dynon sinked to "ground based navigational services" via the nav radio, as well as use the built in CDI on the SL30 monitoring the standby channel of the nav. I should be able to fly any IFR rout/approach that any other non-WAAS enabled airplane can do.


Now before everyone jumps down my throat and tells me how stupid of an idea this is, allow me to explain my reasoning for doing this.

The entire purpose of this project, for me, is to expose myself to as much as possible, learn as much as possible, and become a better pilot as much as possible. A challenging wiring job fits into that philosophy well, as does having a capable airplane upon completion. Now.. just because i will have the capability to file and fly IFR does not mean that i have to fly into IMC. That is still part of using good judgment, and the Waiex is not a good platform for IMC conditions. I am not instrument rated, but i do desire to be some day. The cost of all this equipment (over just a basic panel) is far less than the cost of renting a junky old, IFR capable Cessna 172 for 50 hours. And if that was the only way that i had to expose myself to that type of flying, i could see myself never maintaining proficiency. Having the ability to economically practice IFR procedures, shoot approaches, etc. when the weather is nice can lead to nothing other than making myself a better pilot.

Ok.. let the flaming begin.


Re: Waiex # 142 Panel - IFR in a Sonex

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:52 pm
by chris
That will be one great looking and functional panel. I think a lot of people want to do exactly what you are doing but their budgets do not allow.

I like your philosophy about getting the instrument rating. If you are going through all of the trouble of building an airplane and also plan to get an instrument rating, it only makes sense to be able to stay proficient in your own plane. I agree that the instrument proficiency you build and maintain on sunny days in your plane will make you a better pilot.

Awesome. Looking forward to seeing it come together.

Re: Waiex # 142 Panel - IFR in a Sonex

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:02 pm
by MichaelFarley56
Wow is that going to be awesome! :shock: I would have done the same thing but I couldn't afford it :mrgreen:

Just out of curiosity, which transponder are you thinking? Are you also installing an autopilot? B

I'm very jealous!! :D

Re: Waiex # 142 Panel - IFR in a Sonex

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:46 am
by 142YX
I am using the Dynon transponder.. I already know that everything cannot fit on the stock panel, so i will be making a custom one. But one great thing about the Dynon package is that their transponder is controlled through the EFIS, and the actual module can be hidden away somewhere (i was thinking under the seat) and not take up any panel real-estate.

I am not starting off with any auto pilot, but the software is all there inside the Dynon. All i would have to buy in the future are the two servos to complete it.

Oh also, i am not rich either (so please dont take this post as gloating). I basically had to mortgage my soul to complete this project.. but it is the biggest dream of my life, one that i have had since before i can remember.. so i am making many other sacrifices to ensure that it happens.

Re: Waiex # 142 Panel - IFR in a Sonex

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:19 am
by Andy Walker
Looks awesome. I'm probably going to go with a single Skyview in my Sonex. It will be interesting to see how you get your custom panel together. BTW, if you are considering adding an autopilot later, I'd suggest going ahead and spec'ing out what you'll need and pre-run the wiring. That way later you can just add the servos without having to tear into your panel or take things apart to route wiring. You can just put it on a separate breaker/fuse and make those wires not hot until you install later.

Good Luck!

Re: Waiex # 142 Panel - IFR in a Sonex

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:55 am
by N111YX
Pitot heat and an IFR GPS (and the cost of keeping the databases up to date for legal IFR) are what nixed the idea for me. There was no way that I was going to put a VOR head in my craft...:)

Re: Waiex # 142 Panel - IFR in a Sonex

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:13 pm
by 142YX
Kip, i have asked this question to a million people and done a bunch of research, but the answers that i get are 100% in the gray. Is there actually a requirement for Pitot heat? Since i never intend on flying into anything even close to icing conditions.. i don't plan on installing one.

It is required for a part 23 airplane, but since this is experimental, i can find no requirement written anywhere. The best answer i have ever received on the subject is that it is up to the personality of the DAR that inspects your airplane. Some may refuse to allow it, others have no problem with it. A similar situation can exist for "night VFR legal" experimental also. There is no clear guidance anywhere.

With the setup i have, i won

Re: Waiex # 142 Panel - IFR in a Sonex

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:44 pm
by N111YX
How about some more gray over our established gray? I agree with you on the pitot heat. Some inspectors may say no way. Its usually cold enough in the clouds that its a good idea.

As for navigation, what nav source is legal and, can one fly IFR with no means for an approach...???

Re: Waiex # 142 Panel - IFR in a Sonex

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:28 pm
by 142YX
The way i understand it (and i admit that i could be wrong, as this entire subject matter is so confusing) is that i could use GPS for "supplemental" navigation only, as long as my primary source was from "ground based facilities" (VOR stations). The approaches would have to be made with localizer/glideslope signals. I could also (if i had the software to do it, but i wont) fly non precision GPS approaches, and even precision GPS approaches if I had WAAS capability (which I don

Re: Waiex # 142 Panel - IFR in a Sonex

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:31 pm
by 142YX
Andy Walker wrote:BTW, if you are considering adding an autopilot later, I'd suggest going ahead and spec'ing out what you'll need and pre-run the wiring. That way later you can just add the servos without having to tear into your panel or take things apart to route wiring. You can just put it on a separate breaker/fuse and make those wires not hot until you install later.

Good point, yet another advantage of the Skyview system.. everything runs on a network so i can just add a splitter at the location of any other component and plug that into the servos. They will require their own power line though.. i probably should make room for a spare breaker