Discovery Lite layout

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Discovery Lite layout

Postby Brett » Sun May 10, 2015 10:29 pm

Hello all,
would any builders out there have fitted a discovery lite and V6 radio to their Sonex yet ?
I am just at this stage now and trying to work out the best layout. My setup for the plane is dual controls and throttle and flaps and so on on the LHS.

On another note what did everyone do regarding the wiring of the charging circuit? My other plane with an Aerovee I wired the circuit up with no switch or fuse as per the manual however everyone I talk to see's this as a problem.
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Re: Discovery Lite layout

Postby gammaxy » Sun May 10, 2015 11:52 pm

I have the Stratomaster Enigma and the v6 radio. Not sure how closely it compares to the Discovery Lite.


I intentionally left a bunch of room on the right to add a tablet mount for weather/traffic/etc.

To keep things simple, I also chose not to add a switch (or crowbar, etc) to the charging circuit. I felt like this was a reasonable design for a permanent magnet alternator. My plan if I notice uncomfortably high voltages is to reduce engine RPM and try to use as much electrical power as possible (unfortunately, I don't have landing lights yet). For most scenarios I can imagine, I'd probably have plenty of time to take corrective action if I would have noticed the problem in time to flip a switch.

I spent a while trying to get some information on the voltage regulator we use to determine what the most likely failure mode is, but was unable to find anything.
Last edited by gammaxy on Mon May 11, 2015 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Discovery Lite layout

Postby Rynoth » Mon May 11, 2015 9:21 am

Here's where I'm at with the Discovery lite & V6 com:


Blog post I made when planning the instrument panel. Things have changed slightly but not much. ... -planning/
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Re: Discovery Lite layout

Postby Brett » Thu May 14, 2015 8:27 am

Thanks guys, my instruments should arrive early next week. I have done most of the engine wiring and so on so this should be the last step for the electrical side of things. I'll chuck a photo up of the end result. Maybe towards the end of next week if all goes well. Looking forward to seeing how much easier all the pre made wiring harnesses make the installation.
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