Gripdana wrote:Ok. So it works like the oil pressure sending unit? I already drilled the hole for the light. I guess if the display goes out it should work. If I hook up a test switch the switch will be to ground? Thanks for the help.
Yes, like the idiot light for the oil pressure. Another test would be to configure the EFIS to throw an alarm, like OAT alarm at room temp.
Now I'm not sure if you lose the EFIS screen that the alarm light will work. In fact I really doubt it. The alarms are programmed into the EFIS and they raise the condition. If the screen is dead, I bet the EFIS is dead too, so if you are attempting to build redundancy with the light, you won't get it. Good news is I have dual xTremes with almost 100 hours on them and zero failures in the displays. I have lost an oil pressure sender, an EGT sender, my OAT is becoming irratic and my Princeton fuel probe died when I switched to auto gas. None of which was MGL, but the MGL depended on it.