by jjbardell » Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:49 pm
I finally learned how to create customer designs for the MGL Lite Series. Taking the default setting, I tweaked the screens and modified others to create a better flow for the Sonex based on my flight experiences.
Screen 1 - Simplified the Syn Vision, redesigned the Engine monitoring, redesigned top panel:
- EGT/CHT temps per cyl
- Hobbs, Tach, Main timers
- Volts / Amps to top bar
- Range, Endurance and Fuel flow
- Increase MAP and reduced RPM
- Created Alarm Acknowledge area
- Split Comm and Txpdr locations
Screen 2 - Simplified Syn Vision and enlarged map
Screen 3 - Left flight panel, but incorporated engine and top bar from page 1
Screen 4 - Top/Bottom from page 1, Extra large map, mini airspeed tape, mini syn vision, mini alt, airspace map, terr map, flight plan box
Screen 5 - Eliminated top, super size map, digital alt and airspeed
- Attachments