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Custom Checklist Cards for the Cockpit

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 3:22 pm
by sonex1374
The guys and I on the SonexFlight Podcast have talked about the benefit of creating a customized pilot operating handbook, and an extension of that idea is to create customized checklists that go with you into the plane. Sometimes simply having a template to use can help get you moving on a project like that, so I've included my own checklist cards that I use in the cockpit.

I print out and laminate preflight, normal ops and emergency ops checklists. In addition, you'll notice that I've listed several local airports around me (the places I routinely fly to when out goofing off), as well as my Jabiru 3300 power tables to use as a reference when I'm flying cross country.

The checklists are printed at home and then run thru my wife's laminating machine. Actually, I think I use this more often than she does!
The template for the checklists is attached as a word file, and the instructions are included for setting up your printer. I think you'll find it's easy and works really well.


Re: Custom Checklist Cards for the Cockpit

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:01 pm
by Rofomoto
Great job!! Thanx for posting the file

Re: Custom Checklist Cards for the Cockpit

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:25 pm
by MichaelFarley56
Very Nice Jeff! You have put a lot of work into yours!

I made a much simpler one that I print out in color on a standard sheet of printer paper, fold in half length wise and then laminate or tape over to seal up. One page and simple but I'm not very smart so I need all the help I can get!

If anyone wants to take it and modify it for themselves, they are welcome to. Not as nice as Jeff's though!


Re: Custom Checklist Cards for the Cockpit

PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:57 pm
by GraemeSmith
I have a "personal standard" format I use when I am learning a new plane. I review and learn the systems and implications, review manufacturer checklists and re-write the whole thing into my format with a priority of:

- Don't contradict the manufacturer - especially where it is detailing the correct order to use systems
- Otherwise try and reorder things to create logical workflows with "flow shapes".
- Look for efficiencies so you are not backtracking and going back over things.
- Don' be afraid to fine tune and rewrite it.

It may seem overly detailed but for me as I jump between planes - my lists have everything in the same place between aircraft. The blessing is the workflows - once learned - the checklist is just a quick review after each "flow" that you got it right. Starting right as you approach the plane and start the preflight.

So my current - 1 year in - checklist for the Sonex is at Rev 5 supporting an Aircraft Flight Manual - currently at Rev 7. (based on the original builder's work - so these are really Rev 6 and 8)

4 sheets of paper. Set up the first two back to back and laminate then bifold so you have a "Working/Flying" checklist.
The second pair of sheets, laminated back to back and bifolded is the "Abnormal Procedures/Emergency" checklist.

Re: Custom Checklist Cards for the Cockpit

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 5:21 am
by GraemeSmith
FAA have some thoughts:

The "gotcha" is if added equipment requires you then carry the "heavy" manual for the equipment.