by sonex1374 » Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:56 am
I agree that extra runway is nice insurance, especially when it's available and cheap (the price of a few minutes taxi). However, I get worried when people start parroting this sentiment without really thinking about it. Each decision, including the decision to operate at the extreme of your envelope, should be carefully considered. You need to determine whether the operation is possible, and then think through the risks associated with doing it. If you do this honestly and deliberately you'll consider ways to mitigate, and then be ready to handle any remaining risk.
I think the thought process that should have happened here (maybe it did?) was to consider the risk of an intersection takeoff (including getting less performance than you anticipate), consider ways to mitigate (full length? changes to technique?), think through the residual risk (including emergency options and outs), then make a go/no decision (including a plan of action). This is no different than a glider pilot talking through a rope break (power failure!) from the takeoff roll (land straight ahead) to a break below 200 ft ( turn slightly, but don't stall!) to above 200 ft (turn back). You brief it every time so you force yourself to think it through all over again.
My point is that we should strive towards risk-informed decision making, and not simply risk avoidance.