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Re: tailBeaconX

Postby Matt541 » Wed May 13, 2020 8:17 am

Mikeacro wrote:

I recently installed the tailbeacon ADSB.it works great! I just primered and filled as necessary. I’ll post a pic when all painted.
Cheers, Mike

I would love to see more of your install, the Tailbeacon X is the route I'm thinking about going as well. (Once I save up the extra $$$)

Did you purchase the bulges (?) for the tail beacon or fab them yourselves? I can find a few pics of Sonexes that have them, but no reference to where they came from. Is there a threaded insert for the Tailbeacon to attach to? Or how is it otherwise retained?

Sonex 541, TD, Center Stick, Revmaster w/ Prince P <SOLD>
:arrow: Anxiously awaiting the new Highwing
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Re: tailBeaconX

Postby SP1 » Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:45 pm

I'm interested in doing the same, adding a tailbeaconX to the tail. Any more pictures of insights you can add?
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